Saturday, April 9, 2011

Make May your Mat Hire Month

Copy of email that's gone out from the beautiful Maggie to ask all the Bikram studios in Australia to support Sierra.

Dear fellow Bikram Studio Owners

I know it’s been a tough year emotionally for many, with many natural disasters around the world occurring and much fundraising done in our studios to help those in need. But I’m wondering if you ALL could find it in your hearts to help out just one more time… PLEASE READ ON.

As many of you know, one of our Melbourne teachers, Karen Jepp, has a little girl called named Sierra who has severe Cerebral Palsy. Over the past 4 years we have helped out from time to time with raising money for Stem Cell Therapy and a Computer to help Sierra communicate with the world. These contributions have made a tremendous impact to Sierra’s long term health and quality of life.

One of the most tragic effects of CP is that a fully functional mind is trapped inside a spastic body. The level of spasticity will vary. Sierra is at level 5 which is the most severe. There are limited ways to manage spasticity and unfortunately using botox and physiotherapy are no longer enough. Karen and her husband, Shane, have been agonising over the decision to put Sierra through an operation that cuts into the nerves of the spine to help reduce the level of spasticity. This RISKS ARE HIGH but if successful, it will significantly reduce Sierra’s spasticity in her legs, feet and upper body. It will help her breathe and swallow better and aid with the most basic of movements and functions of the body that we take for granted day to day. It will also save her from the excruciating pain of sitting for the rest of her life on dislocated hips as the femur bones dislocate due to the constant pull of spasticity.

The cost of the operation is €8000 and will require the family to travel to Prague in July where one of the world’s leading Neurosurgeons, MUDr. Boris Zivny is based. The family have been consulting with him since Sierra was 8 months old. He knows Sierra’s body, the progression and impact of the spasticity and her overall condition very well both through observation every 6 months and the application of botox.

The family will need to raise money for the operation, and for expenses such as airfares, accommodation, etc.

This has been a most difficult decision for Karen and Shane. I’m hoping we can help lighten the load by relieving some of the financial burden.


I’ve decided to make May my “Mat Month” for Sierra at both my studios (South Melbourne & Glen Waverley) and will be donating 100% of MAT HIRE to Sierra. Would you consider doing this too, please? If you can’t do an entire month, would you consider perhaps one or two weeks’ worth? If so, please RESPOND to this email. I will be creating a poster and decorating the studios with balloons & hearts, etc to help raise awareness of the task. I usually put a tin on the desk and people pop their $1 in the tin (and more). It’s easy and it doesn’t really take that much off the bottom line!

So if you are interested in participating, please respond to this email. I hope to hear from you soon.

On behalf of Karen, Shane and Sierra Thank you for your consideration
Much love Maggie Carr