Saturday, February 19, 2011

A no therapy day on London trip

6:00am Sierra needs milk after being awake for an hour due to jet-lag

7:00am Attempted breakfast with the family we're staying with, but Sierra won't eat

8-11am Stuffing around getting Sierra and I dressed, packing bags for the day

11:00am Bus to Leicester Square. Sierra still won't eat and now won't drink either

12:00pm Finally choose a cafe with as few tourists as possible and sit down with friend Katie, her 2 kids, and eat, drink and play. Sierra doesn't want food or drink but is tired and starting to have seizures

1:00pm About to have a breakdown from the stress of it all and ask as kindly as possible if Katie and kids could leave me behind so I can sit with Sierra while she sleeps (in my arms), and I can try alone to give her some food

3:00pm Sierra has slept and FINALLY had something to eat! Now, I can go shopping!!!!!!

3:15pm Realise it's almost impossible to have a buggy in small shops in London during the Summer sales

3:30pm Friend Sufiya texts to say she's around the corner and wants to meet while in I'm in London

3:45pm Sufiya takes over pram while I shop

4:30pm I've managed to buy 2 items in 1 shop, I'm now ready to collapse.....this day is too long!

5:30pm After coffee and catch-up with Suf, I give up on tubes and buses and get a black cab back to Katie and Nigel's house