I was practicing on Monday night wearing a new outfit. To my embarassment the top was not as supportive as I would have liked and I was quite distracted the whole class by trying to stay in it!
Straight after class a gentleman walks up to me and says, "Can I have a word to you, Karen, upstairs?" For a few moments I thought he was going to have a few words with me about how outrageous my top was but I also thought perhpas I may have been exaggerating things and I was - Phew!
Tom took me aside and explained that he wanted to make a donation. He had some money that was owed to him that he had written off. However, the woman who owed it to him came through. He thought, "It's money I thought I didn't have", so he asked her to domate it to us. It is $1000!!
Now our running total is: $4151.57