My dear friend Nigel and I met almost immediately after I arrived in London in July 2000. As an ex-dancer trying to settle into London life I was looking for something to keep my body and mind in shape. I found Bikram and asked my new friend Nigel to try 'hot box yoga!'
Throughout the 7.5 years I taught for Michele Pernetta, teaching what has now become her brand: Fierce Grace yoga, Nigel and I have always remained close friends. I am delighted to return to London a few times each year to teach for him and his wife Katie's Brixton FG studio.
I believe it's remarkably easy to take mobility for granted when you are able bodied, especially when you are able to access an amazing yoga practice through Fierce Grace.
In 2007 my husband and I gave birth to a beautiful, intelligent and profoundly disabled little girl Sierra Rose. She is a bright, a wonderful spirit and has severe Cerebral Palsy. Moving back to Australia was a choice I made to take a job with a salary that would provide for my husband, Sierra and me while allowing for my husband to give primary care to our little girl.
The Australian Govt. pays for basic schooling and equipment but given the complexity of Sierra's needs the basics come no where near to what it costs.
In October 2015 we invested in Sierra attending physiotherapy in the UK focused on enabling her to use her hands to drive a motorised wheel chair. She was successful and for a child with severe disability this is a miracle.
Since October I have been raising funds to buy Sierra a motorised chair. The chair will mean an entirely new and exciting future of independence for Sierra both at school and at home.
Any donation makes a big difference. Thank you in advance for you generosity and kindness. Karen, Shane and Sierra xx