This little sweetie, Sierra Rose is 9 years old. She is bright, has an amazing spirit and has cerebral palsy.
In October 2015 Sierra attended physiotherapy in the UK focused on enabling her to use her hands to drive a motorised wheel chair. She was successful and for a child with severe disability this is a miracle.
This UK physiotherapy and many other OS trips accessing experts across the globe who can really make a difference in enabling Sierra to be go beyond her limits, have only been possible through the financial support of others.
Some of the highlights include: (*this blog has posts throughout where you can read about individual trips and specific results)
1. Sierra learning to use the muscles in her eyes with specialised contact lenses provided by a Prague specialist eye doctor
2. A massive improvement in Sierra's immune system after stem cell treatment (using her own cells) in a German stem cell clinic
3. Talking to her parents and teachers through a communication computer that is controlled by her eyes
The aim is to have Sierra be as independent as possible!
Sierra Today......Since October we have been raising money to buy the motorised wheel chair which Sierra used while in the UK. The chair will mean an entirely new and exciting future of independence for Sierra both at school and at home.